Monday, October 23, 2017

Step Into TiassWorld

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog! Welcome to TiassWorld♡, where all your wildest dreams may come true. Just kidding! The only thing you'll be seeing here is my EVERY thought. For example, why is it so hard to eat healthy?! Seriously! My doctor decided it was a good idea to tell me that I'm obese (What an awesome way to tell someone they're overweight!). So I've been trying to eat way healthier than usual, but the snacks are calling my name. She always looks at me like I have two heads when I tell her how hard it is to eat healthy. It can be really hard to break a bad habit. Anyways... I'll be discussing various topics on my blog. I love fashion, hair, and make-up; however, I'm very interested in discussing youth in foster care, teen parenting, single parenting, mental health awareness, rape culture, etc. A lot of things I talk about will actually come from personal experience. For instance, youth in foster care is a really big deal for me because I was once a foster child. It's okay, I'm still alive! It wasn't my time just yet, and my foster parents couldn't take me out that easy. I'm a soldier! On a serious note, if you can relate (or maybe you just enjoy my crazy thoughts) share my work with people you know. If not, go home Roger! LOL! Thanks for reading guys!


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